Gr.10 Drama Workshop

Now it's the big leagues! Drama Studio offers the opportunity for students to explore what they love most about theatre as the year revolves around a large-scale auditorium production.
Students will choose whether they want to act, or if they prefer, can learn about stage lighting, set design, publicity, costume design or stage managing. BHS produces either one-act or full-length plays for public and in-school audiences. Rehearsals are done both in class and after school over the course of 3 months.
Other projects for the year include:
• Commedia dell'Arte
• Radio Dramas
• A Major Production
• Lyrical Theatre
• Hand Fans and Duelling
Past Plays Include:
2010: Rapunzel Revisited & The Family Jewels
2011: Knock 'Em Dead
2012: The Butler Did It
2013: Epic Adventures in a Rinky-Dink Art Museum & The Fried Kobassa
2014: Is There a Doctor in the House?
2015: She Wrote, Died, Then Wrote Some More & Dinner at Eight, Dead By Nine
2016: The Haunting of Chip Lake Lodge & Maid To Order
2017: Headin' For The Hills
2018: Have I Got News For You!
2019: Anchors Aweigh!
2022: Inn-Cognito!
2023: Murder Most Fowl
2024: Jolly Roger and the Pirate Queen
This is a course designed for students who are truly passionate about high school drama!